Saturday, November 10, 2007

Quality's Phone Consultation Testimonial

Phone Consultation Testimonial from Student from New York:

All I have to say is that the phone consultation is something that really sets APB’s bootcamp apart from all those other programs out there. I mean, who else is going to give you that kind of personalized attention before you even start the program? And Quality is one of the wisest guys out there when it comes to this stuff. He was able to answer any question I could think of. Thing is- he actually cares to answer your questions- it’s not like he’s just waiting for the time to run out.

Getting to the actual phone call- Quality is a cool bro who really takes the time to assess where you’re at and what areas you might need help in. It started off as a sort of diagnostic where Quality asked what my sticking points were and where I might need some help. I mentioned that I was new to the community, so he basically had to go through everything with me. He really took the time to go through the ABC’s of Attraction system with me step by step, which was helpful going into the bootcamp because it gave me an overview of what I was going to learn and how everything fit together. It also allowed me to see where I might need to spend my time going over sticking points.

For me specifically, escalation and closing are especially difficult. Quality was able to show me a few pointers and techniques to really escalate the kino and finally extract the girls.

My phone call went over an hour, and Quality really took the time to answer my questions. I was only able to do one day of the bootcamp this time, but the personal attention I got from the coaches, starting with the phone consultation, was one of the main reasons for signing up IMMEDIATELY to do the next bootcamp.

I had to give a shout out to Quality for the awesome advice and attention- sorry this report is coming so late bro!

1 comment:

Johnny Wolf said...

Hey Bro, you're awesome over the phone from what i've heard. Keep up the good work man, there are a lot of AFCs out there that need saving!