Monday, October 8, 2007

Bootcamp Testimonial by Mack

The Lowdown on the Hoedown: an honest look at an ABC’s of attraction bootcamp
What to say about a bootcamp that is so all encompassing and so encouraging? I’ll just start at the beginning. We all have our AFC stories, I mean without them we’d never have gotten our rears in gear to learn this, so be grateful.

The coaches were so down to earth and understand you at such a deep level. They’re some of the coolest people, as well as well as some of the greatest pickup artists.
They’re going to lead the revolution of the minorities, particularly the Asians. They’re going to be unstoppable in the next few years. APB and the crew have the potential to shape a new generation of Asians and defeat the blocker mindset which has held us Asians back for so many years. Just as Martin Luther King Jr. stood in the face of racism and tyranny, so APB stands in the face of people not getting laid. Destroyer of frustrations and masturbations. Conqueror of fear and approach anxiety.

This weekend has been a blast, the crew loves what they do, and they are frikin awesome at it. Qual was the caring alpha, sociable, one of a kind DHV man, one of the coolest people to be with and hang with. Toy Machine, the low key, bad boy type, with heart. Jewelz, the Vegas socialite to end all socialites with the charisma and charm of a seductress and the flirtyness of a carefree school girl she demolished all competition. Ozzy, the bubble of positivity and joy. Seeing him light up when talking about all that we’re doing and working on, filled my heart with happiness. Johnny Wolf. Big buff asian dude, who becomes more and more of a pimp as time goes on. And The Asian Playboy. Suave, charismatic, enigmatic, godfather of the ABC’s of attraction. With such a command of his body, and tonality, and expressions, and naturalness, you’d think that you were in a movie if you saw him at work. His nature is to help and lead, but he’s no businessman, but that is exactly what makes him so special and different. I wouldn’t have traded this bootcamp experience for the world. Growing up I didn’t have much sense of brotherhood, and being the youngest in my entire family and being raised by women didn’t help either. Once you take a bootcamp, you are part of something. The fraternity, the brotherhood, the family. You are one of APB’s own, and as brothers (or sisters aka Jewelz…) you are not alone in this world. Even though the road to pickup is hard, and filled with pitfalls and heartaches with APB, you become family.

and, I still owe APB $20 for club cover and some other shit.

First Day, well we had sort of an advantage of having an extra day, but I was still a little shy. It was my first time in Vegas, I even opened up a new bank account and started transferring bits of money so I could sneak by and come to Vegas without my parents knowing. And so I was a little star struck. My first time in Vegas and I’ll be picking up chicks, nice. I walk up to the cantina, and I’m a little scared, I phone Jewelz, she shows up right behind me and freaks me out. We go into the restaurant. And there he is APB. I’m a little surprised. I don’t know how to handle the situation; he was just sitting there, not picking up chicks… that’s weird… I thought we’re supposed to be picking up 24/7… so then all the others arrive. Sight, Yellowcab, Sexual chocolate, Ozzy, Johnny, Adamm, Rumble… my two fellow bootcamp attendees. My first impression of APB was that he was like a crouching tiger, not really up to much, but I could feel his aura emanating from within. The other bootcamp attendees were all just being social and cool, while I, have trouble with that, and these guys were also like all 20yrs older than me. My first impression of sight was “huh, he’s white… and good looking too… wonder what’s up…” We hit up the voodoo club or whatever and I’m like cool, this is my second time in a club, nice… umm… what do I do? Most of the guys were just chillin and having a good time, I hear sexual chocolate got a bj, so kudos to him. I opened up a lone wolf, and with Qual’s patented surefire opener and she just like grabbed me, and I was a little confused. Ended up isolating, (took a while though) but she left later with her friend to go to the bathroom. She asked me how old I was, which, along with “Am I on camera?” would be the two lines that would haunt me for the rest of the bootcamp.

Day 1, ahh, the goodies all come out. Nice refresher of the pickup structure for me, except hearing it like really helped solidify it, but even more important is individualized attention. Really when it comes down to it going to a bootcamp vs reading/watching pickup is like the difference between watching porn and actually having sex. It helps having head knowledge, but if you don’t know where the fuck to stick it in, not much is gonna happen, even if you can draw the female anatomy blindfolded. So I learned and learned, and then they saw my emo shoes and they were like “umm… are you wearing that tonite? Okay, we need to get you some boots.” We gear up and go. I’m a little scared, but I’m getting into state. I go and approach. I hook a HB black, Johnny keeps saying she’s extremely hot, but it was so dark in there and I really wasn’t even caring what the fuck she looked like, as long as she was a woman, so I chat her up, spike buying temperature and all that, but I remained oblivious to the fact that she was lovin it and run out of material and she leaves. I approach a 3 set but then one of the girls are like “You are busted! That is so Pickup Artist! (the VH1 show, just in case any of you guys live in a cave or something lol) And I’m done. Later I approach a 2 set outside of the club, APB sends Rumble in, and he pretty much messes everything up. I get so upset I kick him in the ass, not hard, but almost like a strong tap. At this Adamm gets like all Korean father on me and starts telling me that it’s not okay and shit, and I’m like WTF man, I didn’t actually try to hurt him. I could tell from that point that we weren’t gonna really get along, actually from the first time I talked to him I could tell we weren’t gonna get along. This might be a little harsh, but after Adamms little post about APB I feel I have the right to tell my honest opinions about everything. He has quite a bit of ego, which helps in his dominating a classroom, but in a learning environment, where he is the student he seems to have a hard time. But the best part came when Rumble had two Aussie girls, so I frikin go in and wing (the right way) but end up AMOGing him a little, (I’d later learn I do that, cus of my lack of social experience and sense of family). His girl wants to take him to their room to “show him their stamp collection” and so they start to leave and I’m like “Fuck! I ain’t gonna let you have those two girls all by yourself bitch!” and I (very AFCish) tag along, and at this point, Rumble is dominating everything, but he fumbles, and we lose the two set, but it was pretty fun all in all.

Day 2Ahh, day 2. The day I pull a 40 yr old HB8 from Canada (who claimed to be 33) into her hotel room. Now because of that I’m getting really attracted to those milfs, or cougars, as some of them like to call themselves. Actually in San Fran there is a secret society of MILF pickup artists called the Mrs. Robinson society, maybe one day I’ll meet some and we’ll seduce each other haha. Anywhos, I can’t remember which day we do interactive exercises, but I feel really shy about it all, and I have a hard time improving. Adamm made the funniest improv stories and made the funniest faces in the exercises, so kudos to him for that. I was kinda stilted… but I got a little better, but the bootcamp exercises gave me a foundation for the work I need to do, so that’s great. We go to a spiffy club, lots of hot girls, and we get right to work. I have a hard time just chillin. When I went into the club, I just came to life, and I started developing my own unique body language, which Johnny would later call “very playerish” and also deem me as being “the epitomy of the social robot” but anyways, that aside, I have some fun, but I’m also a little tryhard. I open sets, some go well, others go bad. I try and stop a moving set, which fails, but it was worth a try. As I’m going through my stages of tiredness and grief at my losses, APB sends Qual in to give me personalized attention. He takes me under his wing, and gives me a shitty direct opener to use, which failed like every time, but it was still fun anyway. So I just go super direct, I use the “I think you’re beautiful” opener. By this time, it’s like 1:30 and I’m determined to not get blown out, so I approach a lone wolf, who looked really dizzy, and go direct, and even though she has distant body lang, and everything, I think “you are GOING to feel attracted to me!” and keep going, and what do you know… it worked! I pull her back into our ultra cool vip section, but bump into a big bad Mexican guy and he wants to fight or something, I try to apologize, but he I guess he no comprendo ingles, so I just kind of walk away, cus I know Qual’s got my back. I dance waaayyyy hardcore with her, basically having sex with her freaky style, but when the dance was finished, she just left. Then I realized that I failed to apply the cat string theory… I let her have too much, I was too aggressive and she realized that I wanted to have sex with her and to her, that was enough, I gave her too much and she didn’t see the point. I retreat back to our guarded fortress and plop down.

Downtrodden, confused and defeated. I look to APB for any sign of compassion, but all I get from him is “It’s 2’o clock, you’re on your own now, make something happen.” I’m like What the Fuckin Fuck! Fuck you, and I just left and angrily sought a prey. I see one! . It was a picture perfect approach. I had already social proofed the room by freaking with Jewelz and having great interactions with other people in the club. I remember seeing this really hot girl standing by the bar so I went to approach, then all of a sudden a fat fugly girl is talking to her, 2 set, then as I'm about to open ms. fugly I see this really snazzy lookin black dude in a white suit and I complement him on it, I really did think it was cool, and then he said something about seeing me in the dance floor or something and he liked me so he told me to have fun with the girl or something, then he takes the fugly, who turned out to be his girlfriend (go figure) and I open the set. I go direct, it blasts open.

I befriend yet another friend of hers and then when all is going well the fugly comes back and says that she has to go to the bathroom. Bells go off in my head and I immediately tell her that I love the way she dances, she lights up like a christmas tree and tells us to stay and that she'll be right back. Perfect. Her other friend waves me over and tells me to take good care of her friend. At this point I'm thinkin, oh yeah, I'm gettin laid tonite. I extract her, and she asks if we're coming back and I'm like hell no. But then I quickly change my answer when I see her hesitation, I tell her, yeah of course we're coming back... Everything went well, we were vibing, I read her palm in the cab and she loved it, she later told me it was completely true, which was awesome, and the cab driver even tried to read her palm after we arrived at her hotel. She was such a sweet girl, but I didn't know how to counter the LMR and the age thing, and thoughout the bootcamp I was too aggressive, need to work on my push pull... and so alarms went off in her head. So all I could do was kiss close this hottie that I pulled in less than 10 minutes from the cold approach.

Day 3: Graduation!The life of a pickup artist. Here I come. We finish up on the lectures, and we don’t go shopping because we’re all pretty well dressed. I think Adamm had the best fashion of the students. I don’t do so well. But I begin to see the matrix. I amoged WAYYY too much and these two AFC’s even called in a bouncer to tell me to leave their table cus they didn’t want to themselves, so I just leave… cus the bouncer looked like a mix between Mike Tyson and Mr. T. Opening sets was easy now. I have good attraction game at this point, but very little mid-game, probably from my lack of social experience. I didn’t make anything happen that night. This was the night I had like 2 people ask me if they were on camera. I open up a 2 set, guy and girl, the girl is a sex change surgeon and the guy is a rich hobag. I chat them up for a long time, I neg her by telling her that she’s probably a man. She later repositions herself to be close to me, but I’m tired of this shit, so I just decide to do something and I ask her me “Do you know that this guy (the afc bitch) just wants to fuck you?’ her “yeah blah blah, he’s afc”me “do you want to fuck him?”her “no blah blah”me “ then come sit with me, I have a table over there, I want to get to know you a little better”her “no blah blah (while smiling)”

Maybe I should have pulled them both… I probably have horrible verbal game, but I don’t know, I can still create attraction, but I’m just not very socially experienced, What I said might have been totally out of line, so I welcome comments, but I just started getting tired of it all… so I just left. It’s 4’o clock, Rumble could have pulled a HB9 but his sexual anxiety keeps getting the best of him. As we’re leaving the hotel, APB points to a lone wolf at the slots, so I beat Adamm to it and open the set, turns out she has a bf and he comes later on, so I leave, seeing no further progress possible. Then… ahh my turn to tell the story. I see a 2 set, I open HB7tallerthanme with direct, and she’s loving it, and as I’m about to get to my totally awesome punchline, APB tells me to leave. I go frikin alpha on him because part of me thinks it’s an amog exercise, another part of me thinks, it him testing my resolve to stay in a set, another part of me is totally confused, another part of me is listening to the pussy power asking me if he’s the boss of me and telling me to tell them what I wanted them to say. And so I’m a confused mess, then APB gives me the pizza story and then I get it and I leave. He yells and screams at me, I almost get toy machine sent to jail, I don’t know what’s going on, they’res more yelling and screaming and crying. I tear up a little bit when I can see he understands me, but then I’m encouraged as he tells me I’m going to get damn good at the game, which I’m happy about, which was also repeated by every other instructor, which cheered me up quite a bit. Then stupid Jewelz and her huge breasts breaks my sunglasses with her hug of might. I’m like WTF Jewelz! These were like $2! I say bye to the boys, I’m loving all the feedback we’re getting, it’s so important. And Qual pulled a HB to her room so I was a little jealous, but at the same time I really needed to get my ass spanked by APB.

I don’t know what the bootcamp taught anyone else, but it taught me about brotherhood, and about just socializing in general and becoming a genuine man. This is going to be a crazy year for me. I’ve been studying self help and for 1 ½ years, which led me all the way to Vegas to study with the masters, now it’s time for me to really get to work on myself. The bootcamp pushed me out of my shell, and now I’m beginning to see all that is possible in me. It gave me a pushstart for my go-cart of pickup, and for that I’ll be forever grateful. And who knows, one day I’ll drive a Lamborghini.

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