Monday, October 8, 2007

Testimonial by APB Student

First off, I want to say that I was a little bit unsure of what toexpect out of this consultation. I thought it was going to be ascripted Q&A session that would essentially cover the basics for whatwould be needed before I take the bootcamp. I gave Quality a call andhe seemed a little busy at first but he made time to give me the hourconsultation (which actually lasted about an hour and thirty minuteslol).

Quality asked me if I was able to identify my sticking points but atfirst I wasn't really able to explain it. He asked me some really goodquestions that got me to talk about the interactions I've had withwomen which eventually lead me to see my real sticking points. I tendto be really talkative (Quality seems a little bit talkative too butthe difference is he's rocking out with all kinds of pussy and I'mnot) and he explained how what I say needs to have a purpose. He wasalso able to see that the things I say to women tend to seekvalidation.These are inner game issues and just a brief description ofwhat he was explaining to me.

I also told him that there was a certain type of woman who I alwaysseem to attract (professional, non-party type girls) and he told mehow there are 5 different types of women and how they are attracted toa particular kind of guy (and I happened to be the type that attractedthe aforementioned. His analysis of my sticking points were spot onand I had sort of a mini-epiphany right after.

Even if I didn't sign up for a bootcamp, the PERSONALIZED help that Quality gave has been much more useful than any local PUAs, shit I'veread over the Internet (I've studied this stuff online for like 5years), or person in general has given to me in a LONG time. Heexplained the process for developing a routine stack and what I canwork on before I go to the workshop.

Quality was very attentive towhat I had to say and made an effort to answer it as best as he could.I had a lot of questions and he seemed pretty patient in answering allof them.
I think I got him off tangent a few times but it was great because wewould talk about some shit that really gave me a sense of who he is asa person. If he really didn't care about my progress or where I wouldlike to be he probably wouldn't have took the time to converse withme. The whole conversation wasn't just business and I could tell fromthe way he talked about ABCs of Attraction that he really believes inwhat he's doing.

Quality even told me the story (in an entertaining fashion) of hisfield report in Vegas where he winged for someone (but ditched theobstacle to get some Venezuelan pussy for which theobstacle came back to cockblock the guy he was winging... OUCH! ohwell...the guy he was winging shouldve planned for that better!).Through Quality's story I was able to understand his belief system bythe way he would talk about certain aspects of a story. He was veryconfident and sure of himself.

Overall this was a great experience. If this was just a consultation,I wonder what the bootcamp is gonna by like. And Quality...thanks forall the help bro... soon enough I'LL BE giving YOU tips! JUST KIDDING.You already rock...I'll do everything you told me to do. I won't letyou down!

-Andrew, San Francisco

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